January - June 2024
You may think of stretching as something performed only by runners or gymnasts. But we all need to stretch in order to protect our mobility and independence. "A lot of people don't understand that stretching has to happen on a regular basis.
Although the name might suggest otherwise, TANGO FACTORY is a school on a human size. We like to see each student as a part of our tango family.
Our priority is the quality of the courses, for this reason we work on 3 aspects:
1 - We have a limit of 10 couples for group courses and 5 couples for semi-private courses. This allows us to visit each couple several times during the classes, in order to advise each couple as well as on an individual basis. In addition, teachers do not only talk and explain to students, they also dance with them;
2- The quality of our teachers: they all have a great pedagogical experience;
3- The themes and didactic of the courses are programmed in advance: we set objectives for each term and then develop them throughout the term course by course. In other words, the courses are programmed and designed organically for the entire term and not individually from week to week. Each course consists of two parts: a first technical part; a second part characterised by the development of the figure we are working on and in which we apply the technique worked on in the first part of the course.